Management Reports, Not Just A Letter

When you come across the following in your everyday life what is your first reaction?

  • Lengthy terms and conditions that should be ‘read’
  • Insurance policy documents
  • Contracts for utility providers

For most people the first reaction would be to have a double shot espresso to try and stay awake. The second step is then to skip all the ‘blah blah blah’, sign on the dotted line and move on. Thinking about this made us curious, do our year-end management reports provided to you on completion of your Financial Statements and/or Income Tax Returns fall into this category for you?

If they do, please read on, because we are about to explain a few of the reasons why these letters are so important:


If we find that there is a particular strategy that you or your related entity could incorporate to minimise tax, then we are definitely going to suggest it to you in these letters. Further we take the time to ensure these reports summarise all the stuff that matters so you don’t have to spend time trying to analyse your own financial statements and/or tax return.

If you do not meet with us on completion of your work then these reports are your go-to for everything you need to know.


Most non-accountants are visual when it comes to understanding financial performance and as the old saying goes a picture is worth a thousand words. It is for this reason that we provide our business clients with graphical representations of your KPI’s. These enable you to monitor performance over a number of years at a glance and and commentary is provided to give you some insight into what the graphs mean. Performance monitoring is critical as it helps you make informed business decisions and our KPI analysis allow you to do this.


Don’t miss the payments that need to be made to the ATO! We provide you with a table that details exactly what payments are due and when to ensure that you never miss a payment. These timetables often communicate payments expected to arise for the next 12 months or more. So we encourage you to fight the urge you not to place our letters in the ‘too long to read’ basket because they are super important. They are customised for each individual client to ensure you have a short & simple reference point for all the stuff that matters.

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