Tis The Season For Jolly… Not Folly

Ah yes, Christmas is drawing upon us ! It’s the time of year that is all about togetherness, family, relaxing…. and stressing as you watch your bank account fall (or your credit card debt rise) as you approach the festive day.

Every year the Christmas period places many families under financial duress. But as the time draws near you can be moneywise and put in place a few ‘rules’ to reduce several causes of stress at Christmas.

1) HAVE A PRE-CHRISTMAS CLEAN UP – Clean up and make money! Spend a few hours clearing out belongings that you no longer need (ie clothes, books, jewellery, cd’s, console games etc) and sell them. They can be sold online, through a garage sale or using a local buy-swap-sell.

2) DO AS SANTA DOES, MAKE A LIST & CHECK IT TWICE – Instead of spending without a plan, make a list of the presents and entertainment supplies you need and set a holiday budget. Doing so will help you plan your spending and keep you on track.

3) BE A SCROOGE ONLINE – If you are doing your shopping online, look for ways to save every cent possible:

  • Buy as many items as possible from the same website to save on shipping costs
  • Do an online search to see if there are any discount or coupon codes available
  • Shop in the sale section for your items
  • Do your homework and search on multiple sites to find the cheapest option

4) CHRISTMAS GIFTS, MASTER THE ART OF HACKING – There is always pressure on spending certain amounts on gifts, but pricey items aren’t always the way to go. Agree on spending limits, agree to buy gifts for kids only and nab gifts earlier in the year when they are on sale.

5) SHOP LIKE YOU’RE SANTA – If you are going to shop in-store, consider these rules to reduce shopping stress and the temptation to over spend:

  • Set a time limit on your shopping
  • Shop during off-peak hours when it’s less crowded
  • Keep your perspective, buy less expensive stuff first

6) GIVE TO THOSE LESS FORTUNATE – Charities accept money, household items, clothes and groceries at Christmas. Spread the Christmas cheer by giving to those who are doing it tough on someone else’s behalf.

7) LIGHTEN YOUR LOAD ON CHRISTMAS DAY – Entertaining costs always skyrocket during the Christmas period. Lighten your financial burden by delegating the catering, buying only what you need, switching supermarkets to get the cheapest options and use those loyalty and credit card rewards points you have been accumulating.

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