Pay the Tax Man Again? Really?

No one likes paying the tax man… but unfortunately, we all have to. Some more than others. I think as a bare minimum, when the big bad wolf comes knocking, we should know where the money is going. As per the 2023 Tax Receipts provided by the ATO, taxpayer funds are allocated as follows:

Allocation AreaAllocation %
Welfare (Aged, Disability, Families, Unemployed)39%
General Public Services4%
Interest on Government Debt4%
Transport & Communication2%
Industry Assistance2%
Fuel & Energy2%
Foreign Affairs, Economic Aid1%
Public Order & Safety1%
Housing and Community1%
Recreation and Culture1%
Other Purposes/Other Economic Affairs5%

Now as we can see from the above, over 58% of taxpayer funds are being allocated to Welfare and health. So, the question then is, “If over half of our taxpayer dollars are going to Welfare and health, what do we have to show for it?”. Most people would be surprised to know that the answer is quite a lot. Concerning Australia’s welfare & health system, the Australian Institute for Health & Welfare provided the following statistic:

“In 2021, Australia’s life expectancy at birth was 83.3 years. Australia ranked fourth highest out of 38 OECD countries and was above the OECD average of 80.3 years.“

In addition, Australia spends well below the OECD average on social security benefits, yet Australia redistributes more to the poorest 20% of the population than any other OECD country except Denmark (which spends about 80% more than Australia).

The above statistics are just a few of many figures that provide a relatively clear picture – our healthcare & welfare system is damn good. So where else is Australia excelling when compared to other developed countries? Per the OECD:

  • Australia is ranked 2nd amongst OECD countries for Inland infrastructure spending as a % of GDP.
  • Australia is ranked 6th amongst OECD countries for Primary, Secondary & Tertiary education spending as a % of GDP.

As a nation, we have managed this whilst remaining a relatively low-taxing nation with Australia’s taxation revenue representing 28.55% of GDP compared to the OECD Average of 34.11%.

At the end of the day, no one ever likes having to give up money. Especially to the tax man. But as a result, we get to live in a safe country. A country that has an effective health care system. Substantial infrastructure networks. A Free education system. Whilst the quality of these services can be disputed, at least we have access to them. There are plenty of nations out there that are not in the same boat.

Written for you by Baylee Jones

The information contained on this website and in this article is general in nature and does not take into account your personal situation. You should consider whether the information is appropriate to your needs, and where appropriate, seek professional advice from a financial adviser. Taxation, legal and other matters referred to on this website and in this article are of a general nature only and are based on our interpretation of laws existing at the time and should not be relied upon in place of appropriate professional advice. Those laws may change from time to time.

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